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In-akustik Reference LS-404 Micro Air høyttalerkabel

Lansert februar 2022. Ny toppmodell i den populære Reference Micro Air-serien. LS-404 er en høyttalerkabel med et massivt tverrsnitt som er super match til gulvstående høyttalere og strømkrevende stativhøyttalere. Med Micro Air-teknologien skårer denne lavt på kapasitans og induktans, og er kanskje prisklassens beste høyttalerkabel i øyeblikket. Med rhodiumpletterte bananplugger eller spader sikres en uovertruffen kontaktflate. Denne kabelen gir anlegget ditt optimale arbeidsbetingelser. Som alt annet av Reference og Excellence kan denne kabelen leveres på spesialmål. Pris per sett med to ganger lengden du ønsker.

Dette er en kvalitetskabel som er produsert og terminert for hånd i Tyskland. 

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kr 10,490.00
  • 1.0m
  • 1.5m
  • 2.0m
  • 2.5m
  • 3.0m
  • 3.5m
  • 4.0m
  • Banan - Banan
  • Spade - Spade
  • Biwire spade-spade
  • Biwire banan-banan
Lagerstatus: På eget lager (Bekkestua, Bærum)

In-akustik Reference LS-404 Micro Air høyttalerkabel

Lansert februar 2022. Ny toppmodell i den populære Reference Micro Air-serien. LS-404 er en høyttalerkabel med et massivt tverrsnitt som er super match til gulvstående høyttalere og strømkrevende stativhøyttalere. Med Micro Air-teknologien skårer denne lavt på kapasitans og induktans, og er kanskje prisklassens beste høyttalerkabel i øyeblikket. Med rhodiumpletterte bananplugger eller spader sikres en uovertruffen kontaktflate. Denne kabelen gir anlegget ditt optimale arbeidsbetingelser. Som alt annet av Reference og Excellence kan denne kabelen leveres på spesialmål.

Dette er en kvalitetskabel som er produsert og terminert for hånd i Tyskland. Pris per sett med to ganger lengden du ønsker.

Fra produsenten:

The  cables  in  the  REFERENCE  AIR  series  have  already  caused  a  sensation  in  the  world  of  high-end  connections: “It is the best cable ever placed between amp and speakers.” (AUDIO 02-2020 | LS-2404 AIR PURE SILVER)We have developed the REFERENCE MICRO AIR series based on the same approach to physics. As the name suggests, insulating air also plays a central role in the new REFERENCE MICRO AIR series due to its excellent dielectric properties.Cables as such produce no sound, but have a filter effect and interact with the components. In our opinion, audio connections should be as inconspicuous as possible and should not produce any sound colouration. Because these may be astonishing when heard for the first time, but in the end they distort the original sound and over the course of time they become highly irritating. The trick is therefore to adapt the unavoidable physical filter effect of the cables by means of the architecture and choice of materials in such a way that losses and interactions are reduced to a minimum. We have also pursued this  goal  in  the  development  of  the  REFERENCE  MICRO  AIR  series  and  –  in  our  opinion  –  we  have  achieved it again.REFERENZ MICRO AIR MADE IN GERMANYNEWLS-404 MICRO AIR

Like the AIR HELIX cables, the REFERENCE cables with MICRO AIR technology are manufactured in our own factory in Germany. In addition to the complex manual assembly of the cables, this naturally also includes corresponding quality control. After production, each cable is put through its paces. Functional tests as well as mechanical tests are performed. And of course we also monitor live performance as part of product development for the greatest possible precision and low-loss signal transmission. We will be happy to help you find the right cable for your components. Our experts are available for this from Monday to Friday from 9–12 a.m. and from 1–5 p.m. by calling +49 (0) 7634 5610-70. Of course, our service also includes the assembly of your desired cable in the length and configuration you require.There are many, often difficult and complicated proceduresrequired for the manufacture of Micro AIR cables.MADE IN GERMANY

We all know what it’s like when you take off a sweater with lots of synthetic fibre and it crackles and sparks. This is because the synthetic material builds up an electric charge which is then discharged suddenly. The same happens in the dielectric, the material that insulates a cable. It absorbs electrical energy like a sponge and releases it later. However, in the case of an audio cable, these are compo-nents of the music signal. One measure of this is the cable capacitance, i.e. the unwelcome storage capacity of the cable. While capacitors are supposed to store energy and have a correspondingly high capacity, the capacitance of an audio cable should be as low as possible. This significantly affects the transmission quality and also causes interference with any electronic components connected. Air insulation – as realized with the MICRO AIR technology – is therefore ideal because it reduces the capacitance to a minimum.NEW: LS-404 MICRO AIR

By contrast to conventional conductor structures, in which the arrangement of the individual wires in a cable is chaotic, the wires in the concentric copper wires are arranged in accordance with an exactly defined scheme in which they are precisely ordered in several layers. This design reduces irregular con-tact points between the wires, which harmonises the signal flow and minimises transit time differen-ces. Impulses can be played back exactly while retaining the spatial information of the music. A thin layer of polyethylene protects the highly pure copper from oxygen and therefore against oxidation.

A loudspeaker cable must transport energy and information in equal measure. Loudspeakers can also be moody little beasts, with a very dynamic electrical life of their own.  They behave differently for every tone and volume and have to be constantly kept in check by the amplifier. This means the signal on a loud-speaker cable is a jumble of tiny to huge levels, alternating current and voltage of different frequencies and phase lengths. To faithfully transmit the extremely fine details that define sound and space and lend emotion to the music, the cable has to metaphorically keep the speaker on as tight a leash as possible to the amplifier. These beasts can be tamed by applying physical laws, using the right materials, and an appropriate cable architecture.

We  are  continuing  the  story  of  MICRO  AIR  Technology  with  the  new  REFERENCE  LS-404  MICRO  AIR  speaker cable: As with the already legendary AIR Helix cables, air is a central component of the insu-lation  concept  in  the  new  REFERENCE  MICRO  AIR  technology.  However,  due  to  the  low  loudspeaker  impedances low line resistances and low inductance are also very important for loudspeaker cables. For this reason, a total of 8 concentric copper conductors are used in the REFERENCE LS-404 MICRO AIR in addition to the air dielectric. Thanks to this multicore architecture, the magnetic fields of the positive and negative conductors overlap and neutralise each other. This reduces the inductance of the cable con-siderably, thereby guaranteeing unadulterated transmission of the audio signal over a broad frequency range. The LS-404 follows this approach and has a well-balanced sound character with precise timing with a well-controlled foundation. This cable is therefore primarily designed for fully-sized floor-standing loudspeakers. Of course, sound always is evaluated subjectively and ultimately depends on the overall constellation of the hi-fi system. In the end the decisive factor is your very personal auditory impression.

The  REFERENCE  LS-404  MICRO  AIR  is  available  with  BFA  Bananas  or  with  cable  lugs  or  as  Easy-Plug version. The surfaces of the BFA Bananas and the cable lugs are finished with a rhodium  coating  and  are  therefore  extremely  durable.  The  contact  surfaces  and  the  screw connection of the cable lugs are manufactured from a single piece, the-reby avoiding contact resistance. The contact surface, which has slits on the side, changes to a concave shape when the device terminal connections are tightened, thus preventing the cable lugs from sliding out.

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