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Goldring E4 - MM - Pickup

Goldring E4 er flaggskipet i E-serien. Den ble lansert sommeren 2023 og er en oppgradering av den allerede kritikerroste E3 som har vært en av våre absolutte bestselgere. Denne pickupen er for deg som ønsker en rimelig oppgradering til din innstegs- eller middels dyre platespiller.

E4 er designet til å kunne passe med alle tonearmer med middels tung til tung vekt - Det vil si nærmest alle tonearmer på spillere mellom 2000-15000,- kroner. 

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kr 2,990.00
Lagerstatus: På eget lager (Bekkestua, Bærum)

GOLDRING E4 - MM - Pickup

Goldring E4 er flaggskipet i E-serien. Den ble lansert sommeren 2023 og er en oppgradering av den allerede kritikerroste E3 som har vært en av våre absolutte bestselgere. Denne pickupen er for deg som ønsker en rimelig oppgradering til din "entry level" eller middels dyre platespiller.

E4 er designet til å kunne passe med alle tonearmer med middels tung til tung vekt - Det vil si nærmest alle tonearmer på spillere mellom 2000-15000,- kroner. 

Goldrings filosofi er å sørge for å gjengi det originale opptaket ved å ivareta de kreative nyansene, musikaliteten og rytmen til artisten slik den er ment å høres. Med den anvendelige E-serien er dette enkelt å oppnå: hver av modellene er designet for å passe godt på innstegs- og mellomklassespillere.

Fra produsent:

Key features at a glance:

  • New super-elliptical nude diamond stylus features lower effective tip mass, improved rigidity and better high frequency detail retrieval than ‘bonded’ elliptical alternatives.
  • The lightweight and superior stiffness of the hollow aluminium cantilever allows the stylus to trace medium-to-high frequencies with greater accuracy.
  • Magnetic Duplex Technology™ allows a more accurate transcription of the stereo groove which results in a more accurate soundstage
  • Expert adjustment facility: Unlike most designs, E4 allows micro-adjustments to be made during the production process, ensuring each cartridge leaves the Goldring factory with optimised channel balance and crosstalk settings

New super-elliptical nude diamond stylus

The E4 features a ‘nude’ super-elliptical stylus of just 7.6 x 18 microns (0.3 x 0.7 mil), cut and polished from a single homogeneous piece of diamond. This makes for a lower effective tip mass of improved rigidity, which in turn means its ability to retrieve high-frequency detail is dramatically improved when compared to the ‘bonded’ elliptical stylus alternative. It’s far less likely to ‘mis-track’ or overshoot when tracing high-frequency groove modulations, and because of its finely polished 7.6-micron profile it can more effectively fit into closely packed inner grooves. Lower distortion, improved transient response and a flat frequency response all contribute to superior fidelity when compared to any price-comparable alternative.

Hollow aluminium cantilever

To complement its low tip-mass stylus, the E4 features a hollow aluminium cantilever tube. The light weight and superior stiffness of the material allows the stylus to trace medium-to-high frequencies with greater accuracy, while simultaneously reducing distortion and mis-tracking.

Magnetic Duplex Technology™

Stereo information is contained in a single ‘V’-shaped groove that has perpendicular sidewalls angled at 45 degrees. Conventional cartridges, which use a single large magnet interacting with two vertically mounted coils (one for left-channel information, one for right) to extract a stereo signal from the groove, can permit high levels of crosstalk - and consequently only a modest amount of left- and right-channel separation. E4 uses Goldring’s Magnetic Duplex Technology™ that positions two low-mass magnets at the same angles as the coils - so each magnet interacts only with its partnering coil. This allows the E4 to transcribe the information in the groove more accurately, and results in greater stereo separation and a more accurate soundstage.

Expert adjustment facility

‘Azimuth’ describes the angle that the vertical centre line of the stylus makes with the record’s surface - it must be exactly perpendicular to the groove. Owners of budget and midrange turntables usually have no facility to adjust the azimuth, so it’s vital the cartridge has been precisely adjusted before it’s fitted to the turntable’s tonearm - badly adjusted azimuth can cause increased crosstalk and uneven channel balance. E4 is designed to allow micro-adjustments to be made during the production process, ensuring each cartridge leaves the Goldring factory needing no further azimuth adjustment.


  • Frequency Range: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
  • Channel Balance: < 1.5 dB @ 1 kHz
  • Channel Separation: > 20 dB @ 1 kHz
  • Sensitivity: 3.5 mV (1 kHz @ 5 cm/s)
  • Static Compliance: 20 mm/N
  • Vertical Tracking Angle: 20°
  • Stylus Radius: 7.6 micron (0.3 x 0.7 mil)
  • Stylus Type: Nude eliptical
  • Load Resistance: 47 kΩ
  • Load Capacitance: 100 – 200 pF
  • Internal Inductance: 400 mH
  • Internal Resistance: 410 Ω
  • Cartridge Mass: 6.9 g
  • Fixing Centre: 12.7 mm (0.5 in)
  • Playing Weight: 1.5 – 2.5 g (1.75 g recommended)

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